
Introducing FAIRWAY’s, Cash Guarantee Program

Closing Loans As Promised, As Scheduled, GUARANTEED

Introducing FAIRWAY’s

Cash Guarantee Program

Here’s how it works:

  • You come to FAIRWAY for Pre-Approval.
  • We collect the necessary documents required for a mortgage application.
  • We pull credit, we review the documentation, review with our underwriters and get clarifications when needed.
  • We issue a real Pre-Approval with the Guaranteed Stamp on it.
  • We call you and your Realtor®, and we also call the Listing Agent to describe the Guarantee and strength of borrower when you are submitting an offer.

How it helps you!

  • Stronger offers on the table in a competing bid situation.
  • More confidence from Listing Agent and Seller.
  • Help you work with a local lender that “Guarantees” their work, rather than with internet / out of area Pre-Approval Letters.
  • You will enjoy being able to avoid issues.
  • You will be protected by our secure documentation collection methods.

What We Need From You

In order to pull a credit report, we will need:

  • Full Names
  • Social Security Numbers
  • Home Address & Phone Number
  • Copy of W2s and tax returns for the last 2 years.
  • Copy of 2 months most recent bank statements (all pages please, even if blank).
  • Copy of 1 month most recent pay stubs.
  • One way to provide us with information we need to start your file is to fill out our secure Online Application.


  • Provide all pages of bank and asset statements, even if blank. If your statements indicate large deposits we will need to have a paper trail showing where the deposits came from and why.
  • Stay current on your existing accounts.
  • Opt out from the credit bureau lists at to protect yourself from potential identity theft and so you aren’t bombarded with unsolicited offers after settlement.


  • Don’t worry about rates yet. When you have a home selected and are at the Application stage, then together we can begin watching for the best time to lock a rate.
  • Don’t provide teller or internet print-outs for bank statements – we cannot use them.
  • Don’t apply for new credit when applying for a mortgage. A new debt could change everything.
  • Don’t close credit card accounts or consolidate your debts onto one card.
fairway cash guarantee
Ready to buy your next home? Contact me to learn more!

Call us or fill out your application online to determine eligibility


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